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Book Meme 2/30: A book that you’ve read more than 3 times.

14 Dec


Well, this is definitely a tough one. I have thought really hard and have looked through all the books on my bookshelf and I can’t seem to pick out a book that I have read MORE than 3 times! I rarely read a book more than once except for textbooks! I believe I can name up to 10 textbooks which I have read more than 3 times easily. But for a novel, regardless fiction or not, there is really none. After cracking my brain for days, I have decided to pick out these 2 books that I have read more than once, The Curious Incident of the Dog by Mark Haddon and Towards Zero by Agatha Christie. To be exact, I have read each of them twice. As expected, for people who don’t read novels more than once (like me), must have some ridiculous reasons for reading these twice. For the former, it was one of the novels studied in an elective I took in NTU – Children’s Adventure Tales. I find this book really entertaining and special so I decided to use it for my presentation, and that’s why I’ve read it twice. For the latter, upon retrospection, the reason is more ridiculous. I read it twice because I totally forgot I have read it before! Goes to show how much this book is easily forgettable. Moreover, I only started to realize that I have read the book before when I was in the last 10% to 20% of the novel.